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You'll get an overview of each family members astrology chart with an understanding into some of their soul qualities, most dominant soul expressions and some potential challenges in this life.
Here we explore family related themes in the charts looking where various members of the family will have certain themes to explore within family life. Often times these themes are shared among the family and it can help to bring lots of understanding and reason to the picture within family life.
It's always very important to see the conjunctions, oppositions and other aspects across charts that help us see where we may have similar themes with family members that are helping us learn together. We may also see that there are some obvious challenges across family members and differences, but I will always share how as a family you can learn to grow and love more expansively.
The price of this reading depends on the number of family members. Contact me from a quote.
Written report with many pages.
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Family Life is probably the most intimate part of relating as humans since we share DNA which usually acts as a mirror for the various aspects of our consciousness. In family relating we can bring out the best in each other but sometimes the more challenging aspects too. We often learn so much through each other and have great opportunities for growth and expansion into deeper love through relating. Some families have members who decide to incarnate into a specific family with specific challenges in order to clear that DNA memory from the lineage across many lifetimes and re-write family stories. Some families carry soul karma that they have decided to put to peace and balance out their karma with one another. Some families have chosen to come together and simply enjoy life and bring out more of the best with one another. Often times, families have all of these themes at play and it certainly makes life more entertaining. How we navigate through family in order to make the best of it is something that we’re all learning and some families seem to be better at it than others. Some families grow apart, some families are members of the same soul family and are there for one another through the entirety of life, but usually there are always resonant ways in which we can connect to family through similar resonances that we share with one another on a soul level. This report endeavours to bring out all the beautiful connections shared between family members, enlighten stories that can help to clear and negative karma and bring the whole family onto their best possible path forward with practical advice to navigate that path.
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